filter by category culturalresidencialmixed-useurban + landscapeinfrastructure + industrialall projects Destacado Villa with Two Patios Solar Tower Felipe VI Park Intermodal Station in Logroño The Flying Spine New Bund Mixed-use Block 43-10 New Bund Ecumenical Church Shanghai East Museum Leisure Center Co-living Aranberri Atelier Albert Oehlen Antoni Tàpies Foundation Beirut Residential Block Lolita Office Building Woermann Tower and Plaza Orfila Residential Pavillion Usera Public Library Osmose Station Spina Tower Four Bioclimatic Towers in Salburúa Tour Porte de la Chapelle Waste Management Complex FORUM 2004 Landscape Regeneration & City Dump Recycling Plant Biomethanation & Composting Plant Gym Pavillion in El Retiro Park